Beverly Perry
Senior Advisory Committee
Beverly L. Perry is the Senior Advisor to the Mayor of the District of Columbia, Muriel Bowser, tasked with oversight on policy initiatives emanating from the Office of Policy and Legislative Affairs, the Office of Federal and Regional Affairs, and the Office of the Secretary. Currently, Ms. Perry is leading Mayor Bowser’s statehood team seeking full democracy for the 700,000 residents of the District.
Ms. Perry began her corporate career as manager of Government Affairs for the District of Columbia and federal issues for the Potomac Electric Power Company, a local electric utility company serving the Nation’s Capital. Over a period of 23 years, Ms. Perry was active in the deregulation of the electric industry and was inextricably involved in the growth of Pepco to become Pepco Holdings, Inc., an energy holding company that provided electric and gas service to 1.9 million customers in the mid-Atlantic Region. She held several senior corporate positions, including Senior Vice President and Special Advisor to the Chairman of PHI.
Prior to joining Pepco, Ms. Perry litigated cases in federal and state courts throughout the Washington metropolitan area. She was an associate with Frank, Bernstein, Conaway and Goldman. She clerked for Judge Marian Blank Horn of the US Claims Court and served as an attorney advisor with the Department of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor.
Ms. Perry developed a career in public policy through strategic political analyses, civic leadership and her commitment to community service, creating a bridge from corporate to community and vice versa. She has a long history of leadership with various foundations and organizations including the African American Civil War Memorial and Museum, the Greater Washington Urban League, the Arena Stage, the Congressional Black Caucus Institute, the Smithsonian American Arts Museum and the Federal Judicial Nomination Commission for the District of Columbia.
Ms. Perry received her law degree from Georgetown University and her undergraduate degree from the George Washington University while working full-time for various federal agencies, including the Department of Justice. She is the proud mother of a son and grandmother of two grandsons.