Carol Fulp

Senior Advisory Committee


 Carol Fulp is the CEO of Fulp Diversity, where she collaborates with CEOs to advance diversity in their organizations. She is co-founder of The Race & Gender Project, where she further evolves inclusion and belonging in organizations. She is the author of Success Through Diversity: Why The Most Inclusive Companies Will Win.

 She previously served as CEO of The Partnership, the premier organization that develops, retains, and convenes multicultural executives and professionals. More than 5,000 have participated in its unique leadership programming. She also held executive positions at John Hancock, WCVB, the ABC-TV Boston affiliate, and the Gillette Company. President Obama appointed Fulp as a US representative to the sixty-fifth session of the UN’s General Assembly. She lives with her husband, C. Bernard (“Bernie”) Fulp, in Boston.


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Rediscovering District of Columbia history – and its consequential role in determining contemporary politics and policy serves as our primary charge.

We will establish platforms for making Washington, D.C. history more accessible and intriguing to contemporary audiences and explore, especially through the lens of the Nation’s Capital, the cultural/political fault-lines that have perennially plagued our nation and obstructed our quest to become a more perfect union.

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